Merlin.Speak "You do not have the Lernout & Houspie TrueVoice engine installed! Please download and install it from"
End If
Case "Internet"
If Agent.AudioOutput.Enabled Then
Merlin.Speak ".", "KingOfTheHill.wav"
'They can also speak wav files, the
'[TEXT] and [URL] can be omitted
'(left out), so you can have just text,
'just a sound file, or both
'(or neither, though that would be useless!)
'An hour ago this worked fine without the ".",
'though it wont now... try removing it :)
Merlin.Speak "You do not have the Lernout & Houspie TrueVoice engine installed! Please download and install it from"
End If
Case "OffChar"
Merlin.Speak "Yes, \pau=200\you can use Office Assistant ACS character files, though they do not have the same animations as proper characters do, and they often cannot speak, only mime.. \pau=700\So I guess you will never hear Clippit's voice.."